Visa Information
Attention: Those wishing to travel to the Islamic Republic of Iran are kindly requested to send their documents to the Embassy for obtaining visa
between 15 to 30 days prior to their date of travel and not earlier.
The table of visa fees is available at the bottom of this page.
Visa Information
In order to travel to Iran, foreign nationals are required to obtain a visa. This is a permission of entry to Iran for a limited period of time, which is issued by the embassy of the IRI in Bern, subsequent to receipt of approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, depended on the visa type. In the following you will find comprehensive information about Iranian visas, legal procedures and needed documents.
In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the principle of reciprocity all nationalities of Schengen countries must present their Fingerprints. The applicants may apply for the fingerprints in the local Police office .
Note: The holders of biometric passport are also needed to submit their fingerprints.
Summary of General Regulations
Tourist Visa
a. Tourist visa applies to foreign nationals who wish to travel to Iran for sightseeing purposes or to visit their friends and family.
b. Children and minors who are not in possession of an Iranian birth certificate (Shenasname), and whose fathers have nationalities other than Iranian are considered to be foreign nationals, and are hence required to apply for a visa in order to enter the territory of the I.R.I. (However, in case the mother of these children is of Iranian nationality, and is officially married to the father, this will facilitate the process of issuing their visa to a certain extent.)
:Required Documents
1- Original passport of the applicant, + one copy. (The applicant’s passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, & contain a minimum of two blank pages void of any stamps.)
2- E-Visa confermation
3- Fingers print
4- Receipt of payment of the visa fees
5- Copy of valid accident and health insurance during your stay in Iran
6- An envelope for the return of the passport, with sufficient postage stamp for registered mail
Note: Duration of processing the visa application is two weeks after presenting all necessary documents, including the reference number, to the embassy.
E-Visa confirmation provided by the Visa Department of MFA is Mandatory*.
Pilgrimage visa:
Pilgrimage visa Applies to foreign nationals who wish to visit the holy places in Iran.
Required documents:
1- Original passport of the applicant (+1 copy). (The applicant’s passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, & contain a minimum of two blank pages void of any stamps.)
2- E-Visa confermation
3- Fingers print
4- Receipt of payment of the visa fees
5- Copy of valid accident and health insurance during your stay in Iran
6- An envelope for the return of the passport, with sufficient postage stamp for registered mail.
7- Hotel reservation in Qom or Mahhad
*E-Vis confirmation provided by the Visa Department of MFA is Mandatory
Entry visa:
Entry visa applies to foreign nationals who wish to travel to Iran on official business, trade negotiations, participation in seminars/conferences (economic, cultural, etc.), work related issues, or for sports activities
Required documents:
1- Reference number obtained on approval of the Visa department of the Iranian ministry of Foreign affairs, via the application by the counterpart Iranian organization (sponsoring ministry, company, Business Corporation or institution, etc.)
2- Original passport (valid for minimum next six months)
3. Receipt of payment of the visa fees
4- Fingers print
5- Copy of valid accident and health insurance during your stay in Iran
envelope for the return of the passport, with sufficient postage stamp for registered mail.
6- E-Visa confermation
*Reference Number provided by the Visa Department of MFA is Mandatory.
Paying authentication & approval fees in the location of the Embassy/Consulate (Bank or postal Cards), Or payment to the following account (preferably):
3001 BERN
IBAN CH 62 0079 0016 2611 5856 6
Attention: Do not pay the fees via UBS, Credit Suisse and Zurcher Kantonal Bank or Internet banks (such as Revolute).
1. In case an applicant is sponsored by friends or family members in Iran and the visa authorization has been issued by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it would still be mandatory to submit the abovementioned documents.
2. Reference Number is provided by the Visa Department of MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) upon the request of travel agencies, Iranian business counterparts, families or friends and our Website( E- Visa.
3. Passengers desiring to travel to Iran by car or bicycle should apply for a reference number through the Visa department of the MFA, whether being invited by a person or organization, or if not, they should go through a travel agency specialized in Iran trip facilities.
4. Foreign Nationals residing in Switzerland should present a copy of their residency permit (permis de séjour/ Ausweise) valid for at least 6 months from the date of application.
5. The embassy is not responsible for the promise and commitments of any travel agency or company who provide visa services.
In order to facilitate the obtaining of your visa you may:
1. Have a relative or a friend who will refer to the MFA of IRI and arrange a letter of invitation, to obtain the reference number for an approved visa and then refer to the Embassy.
2. For obtaining work-permits, it is highly recommended that the Iranian counterpart should complete the necessary process in Iran.
For other types of Visa, such as “diplomatic visa”, “Press Visa” and others, as well as for further information, please contact by phone the visa section in the following hours: from Monday to Friday from 14:00 to 16:00
Please note that the opening times of Visa Section to pick up visas is only from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:30
Tel: 031 350 10 79
Fax: 031 351 56 52
In case you have received the confirmation for issuing your visa, please send the below documents via registered mail to the Consulate Section of the Embassy to process your visa at the earliest:
- A copy of the confirmation number for you visa application
- Original passport
- A copy of your residence permit abroad
- One passport size photo
- A registered mail envelope for returning the documents through post
- The receipt of the payment of the visa fee according to the table of tariffs
Note: Nationals of Afghanistan should pay the tourist visa fee (CHF 99 for Afghan nationals) to the below account through post office.
Embassy bank account number: CH62 0079 0016 2611 5856 6
Table of Visa Fees
Sample payment slip

Download payment slip
Attention: Do not pay the fees via UBS, Credit Suisse and Zurcher Kantonal Bank or Internet banks (such as Revolute).